Thursday, June 30, 2011

Final Review: House Rules by Jodi Picoult

This final review is the express, written review of Leslie Reed. I will not be held to the same views as my counterpart, Lindsay Briggs, nor will she be held to my (awesome) views.

I give House Rules by Jodi Picoult 4 out of 5 pink stars. Overall I was thoroughly engaged by this book. I read 3/4 of the book in one day even though I was trying to hold off for Lindsay so that we wouldn't speed through the book, but alas, I had to finish it. 

As a teacher I have had several experiences with children that have specials need. This past school year I also had a boy with Autism who was such an awesome kid. I also babysat a 1st grade boy several years ago named Jacob that had Asperger's syndrome so this book really connected with me (even with his name!).

I have read several of Picoult's books and usually she keeps you guessing but this book was a little more predictable than others, which I didn't mind too much because I didn't want Jacob to go to jail. Her endings are usually big but this one wasn't although it was a little abrupt. I couldn't give it the fifth star because it was missing just a little something. Every character had a little bit of extra something to them that made it more dramatic or unbelievable than it needed to be. But, I still enjoyed it and will continue read Jodi Picoult books.

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