Saturday, November 22, 2014

Survivor Chat - Backstabbers

Last Wednesday on Survivor several things went down. First at the reward challenge, opposing players had to stand on a wobbly balance beam and try to knock each other off. These challenges are usually fairly lame and this one did not disappoint (or it actually did disappoint because that's lame). I think it would have been more entertaining if someone tried to blow in someone's ear (Lance Stephenson anyone??). Anywhoodles...after winning, Jeremy and Natalie decided to give up their reward to Jon & Jaclyn. 

My first thoughts? Why?? You never do that! It never pays off!

And how long did it take to find that out? A whole two seconds because then Jeremy was sent to Exile. Burn.

While Jeremy is at Exile, bonehead Jon realizes that Jeremy is going to figure out that he has the idol that was hiding on Exile. Sheesh. These players this season lack some serious brains.

At the immunity challenge the players have to build a set of blocks with their feet. Not too boring of a challenge but not that interesting. Baylor wins. Gag. 

Back at camp Jeremy semi questions Jon about the idol but doesn't really press it when he denies finding it. Then Jon goes all crazy against Jeremy and convinces Missy to vote him out. 

All sorts of votes are cast but Jeremy goes home. Natalie whisper freaks out on Missy. I can't wait for next week...because I am hoping that the singletons start axing Jon & Jaclyn and Missy & Baylor! I am now (strangely enough) pulling for Natalie! 

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