Thursday, November 13, 2014

Survivor Chat - Taco Farts

This week's episode started off pretty good with a really good reward challenge! I have slow moving, boring challenges (see the immunity challenge comment in a few minutes). But hard, physical challenges that take endurance are my favorite! I also love puzzles which most challenges seem to have these days too. I found that I really liked how to the two tribes were split up for this reward challenge and was kind of glad that Missy got left out because I am not a fan of hers. As soon as the challenge started, it was kind of evident that the blue group was going to win; they had much more muscle and way better communication & teamwork!

Once they won, they had a huge food reward! Keith warned Wes not too eat too much but he didn't listen and....taco farts, puke, and who wants to know what else! Well, apparently Missy and Baylor didn't want to know what else once they got back to camp and the food digested! I am a little indifferent about the whole farting and spitting going on but whatever...if you have a problem, speak your mind!

At (stupid) Exile island...Jon found the most poorly hidden immunity idol. Boo. I swear...every season the "hidden" idols get easier to find!

Later the immunity challenge was a memory game...not a fan! Boring! They also don't usually last that long but I was happy that Jeremy won! I always love it when the one person everyone wants to vote out, wins! Makes for much better scrambling! 

In the end Josh got voted out...I wasn't too big of a fan of his...but it might be because he got a ton of airtime. Also he aligned with Baylor early on and I have never really liked her. I do like Reed so I'm interested in what he'll do next week...especially after seeing the preview! Maybe this season will get a little spice in it finally!

1 comment:

  1. Boo. I really liked Josh. I thought he was nice and not jerky like some of them. Not super stoked on Jeremy -- don't hate him but definitely not rooting for him. I am still loving Reed and Jon & Jaclyn are ok. I loooooathe Baylor and Missy. Get them out of there. Idiots. Annoying. Worthless. I'm not as anti exile island or blood vs water as you are, but I do wish they'd do something new instead of recycling the same stuff. They should do a Survivor in a cold place -- make them wear tons of clothes and build igloos or something. I'm sure it would be more dangerous for their health and the tv ratings would go down because of the lack of naked bodies...but it would be cool! Survivor: Alaska!
