Monday, March 23, 2015

Sister Travel!

This weekend Hilary and I are going to California (with Parker) to see our mom. I had a hard time finding cheap tickets so I wasn't able to pick a date that Lindsay was able to join :( 

I am excited to travel with Hilary because we haven't had a trip to gether in a long time! Hopefully Parker is good on the plane so he doesn't tarnish Hilary's thoughts on children flying ;)

I have already asked mom to find us some tickets for the aquarium because Parker really liked it the last time we went and I think this time he will really enjoy it!

Of course I am sure we will go to the beach a couple times. Parker is really into tools and digging so I am sure he enjoy that. Last time we went to the dog beach so I think we might do that again because he loves watching my mom's dog Luna run around!

I'm not sure what Hilary wants to do so I'm sure we'll have some other things planned when we get there! Hopefully I can get Hilary to blog about our trip!!

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