Monday, March 23, 2015

Sister Travel!

This weekend Hilary and I are going to California (with Parker) to see our mom. I had a hard time finding cheap tickets so I wasn't able to pick a date that Lindsay was able to join :( 

I am excited to travel with Hilary because we haven't had a trip to gether in a long time! Hopefully Parker is good on the plane so he doesn't tarnish Hilary's thoughts on children flying ;)

I have already asked mom to find us some tickets for the aquarium because Parker really liked it the last time we went and I think this time he will really enjoy it!

Of course I am sure we will go to the beach a couple times. Parker is really into tools and digging so I am sure he enjoy that. Last time we went to the dog beach so I think we might do that again because he loves watching my mom's dog Luna run around!

I'm not sure what Hilary wants to do so I'm sure we'll have some other things planned when we get there! Hopefully I can get Hilary to blog about our trip!!

Survivor Chat: Already a Merge!

I had meant to start my Survivor chats when this new season started because it gave Lindsay and I something to chat about, I like writing, and there was a lot of hype about the new season being a really good cast. 

Well I have been really busy with a lot of random things and every week I have been behind on watching the episodes. And also...I have not really liked this cast. Jeff Probst hyped this season uop so much saying that this was his all time favorite cast and I find them rather...blah. I also really disliked the three tribe split and the splits being called the three collars. I feel like the cast really played into which ever collar tribe they were placed on. Some of the cast may live their lives a certain way but I felt like everything they did was "that's just how white collars or no collars do things" and it got old and seemed fake. I also don't really like three tribes like Lindsay said. The tribes are too small and they almost always have one tribe who loses all their players first so then it becomes a moot point.

So now we made it to an early merge! I am hoping this shakes things up and I can quit hearing about their collars. So far I really like Joe, Kelly (the cop), and Jenn. The rest I don't really like that much. I hope Jenn isn't too big of a personality because I think she'll get voted off too soon. So far she has gotten close to probably annoying some people. 

I was really hoping Shirin was the one to get voted off last week instead of Max but I'm sure she'll be gone soon. 

On the challenges - I am glad we will be getting into the two team challenges alsthough it seems like the two teams are completely mismatched. 

Next week I will try to chat before I forget what the episode was about! Or Lindsay can update next week ;)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Survivor Chat! New Season

I don't like when Survivor does 3 teams. There's too few people in each tribe and the merge or re-organization always happens too quickly. Two teams is better. That aside, I actually like this split more than I thought I would. At the end of last season I thought "oh gag, that's dumb." But so far, it's pretty good.

White Collar

This is the team I like the least. They are all boring stiffs, as you'd expect.

So far I like Carolyn because she seems like a BA Bossy Pants. We'll see how this develops.

I also like Max. He's one of my favorites. He seems pretty groovy, he's a professor, so naturally I feel drawn to him.

I don't know why people don't like Shirin on her team. I think she's funny and generally agreeable. I don't love her, but I don't think she's annoying. 

Tyler -- gzus. So uptight. I don't like him. He is already on my nerves.

Joaquin. My god I hate him. I have nothing redeeming to say about him. He's smarmy and gross. Bleck. 

So...I didn't have much opinion about her. I think she got a bad deal. They should have gotten rid of Joaquin instead.

Blue Collar

Lord, they are some drama queens. I like their work ethic for the most part, but too many "characters" on this team.

I started out liking Dan, but he's gotten annoying pretty fast.

Kelly...I don't really have an opinion of her. She's kind of a non-entity at this point.

Mike is annoying as hell. His voice makes me want to die and he seems like a dull jerk.

Rodney isn't as annoying as Mike, but he kind of seems like a meat head with a chip on his shoulder.

Lindsey, I want to like. Mostly because she's a Lindsay and she's got some cool tattoos. But she might be a little too bitchy for me. We'll see how she develops.  

I like Sierra. She seems like a hard worker and good athlete. I don't have much opinion on her personality yet, but I'll hold out hope for her.

No Collar

I like them the best. They're a little hippie dippy but they seem fun.

I really like Joe. He seems like a sweet, genuine guy. He's hard working, but also fun. I'm rooting for him so far.

Jenn, I'm not too sure about. Sometimes I like her and sometimes she seems like a major jerk. We'll see how it unfolds.

Hali is ok. Neither like or dislike. She's just kind of whatever.

Will is funny and likeable. But I don't think he's going to make it long. He definitely doesn't have the stamina to compete.

Nina was annoying. I hate when people cry all the damn time. I liked the final tribal she was on -- it wasn't about your hearing. It was about you being a drip. I was happy to see her go.

Vince was the most annoying. Way too woo woo and I just wanted him to shut up. He was like Fabio + Coach but more annoying. Hated him. Glad he's gone.

I can't wait to see how the season develops!