Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Book Review: What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

Another Sarah Dessen book review! Like I said, I'm hooked. I bought this book right after Parker was born but I pretty much haven't touched a book since he was born so I never got around to reading it.

This story was about a girl named Maclean. Her parents had a semi-nasty divorce and she decided to live with her dad, who is a traveling restaurant doer-overer (not quite sure what his title would be!?). Basically he takes restaurants that are failing and he revamps them.

Maclean has a troubled relationship with her mother because she cheated on her father with the college basketball coach. The college baskbetball team the Maclean and her father were obsessed with. Yikes.

Every time they move to a new city, Maclean chooses a nickname to go by and a different persona. When they move to Lakeview, Maclean decides to just be herself. She makes real friends and the neighbor boy is really sweet.

As Maclean is really settling in the new town, her dad is ready to move on. But this time, to Hawaii. So Maclean is going to have to move back with her mom and that is just bad news. When her mom sees how upset she is, she works out a deal for her to finish the school year and graduate with her new friends before going off to college.

This book didn't really have any huge plot lines but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It follows the normal Sarah Dessen formula...teen with some life troubles, finds themselves and friends, and then sorts out their troubles. Not my favorite of hers but not bad.

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